Loving the Imperfect Podcast

Welcome to Loving the Imperfect podcast, a show for all the imperfect laypeople and seekers of deeper contemplation.  I’m your imperfect host, Brianne Turczynski.

For ten years I’ve studied offerings from holy teachers and holy texts. I’m a teacher and a journalist who has listened to the stories of many people throughout the years. So I thought it was time to share a story or two about my journey and my thoughts on scripture and holy work from different faith traditions and practices: mostly from Sufi teachers, Buddhists, and Christian mystics. 

Thank you for stopping by Loving the Imperfect!

So, join me as we imperfectly and clumsily make our way through each day mustering up compassion for the hours ahead. 

Can Ordinary People be Holy? Loving the Imperfect

Send us a Text Message.Hello and thank you for tuning in! I'm Brianne Turczynsk, a teacher, an author/journalist, a filmmaker, and a student of mysticism in the Christian tradition. Mysticism is the part of all religions and practices that unifies all people and practices, breaking down the walls around our beliefs built by religious dogma. Mysticism bypasses dogma and invites everyone to the same table. In this episode, we cover Psalm 80 and discuss what it is to be holy, and how we can walk daily carrying the truth of our holiness and that of everyone we meet, including our coworkers and employees. I also talk a bit about gratitude, and how saying thank you can help bring you back to your center.In our next episode, we'll cover Psalm 87.Blessings,Brianne For more information about me and my work, please visit http://www.brianneturczynski.com or http://www.lovingtheimperfect.com
  1. Can Ordinary People be Holy?
  2. Intro to Sufism and Rumi with Psalm 73
  3. The Parting of the Red Sea: Myth, Miracles, and Message with Psalm 66
  4. The Story of a Cure: Anxiety, Depression, and Panic with David and Psalm 59
  5. Finding Solace in the Garden with Vita Sackville-West and Psalm 52